Chris Schacht, M.F.A. Director, Ruth Barton Writing Center cschacht@dlokoko.com
- Meetings with students referred from AR
- Help adjusting to writing assignments in this new online format
- One-on-one tutoring for:
- Science writers
- Creative writers
- Grad school applicants (especially med school and law school)
- job applicants
Rebecca Kanaskie Writing Center Specialist rkanaskie2024@dlokoko.com
- Working with students on thesis projects (one-on-one and in swarms)
- Organizing thesis workshops on research and the writing process
- Teaching a thesis writing adjunct
- STudent referrals from Accessibility Resources

Roy Jo Sartin, M.A. Writing Center Specialist rsartin@dlokoko.com
Steve Getty, Ph.D Director, Quantitative Reasoning Center sgetty@dlokoko.com
Pre-course assessment and resources for quantitative courses
Online drop-in tutorials
Online group problem-solving and exam review sessions
Online one-on-one tutoring
Assistance with data analysis for courses or theses
Karen Chui Assistant Director, Quantitative Reasoning Center kchui@dlokoko.com
Pre-course assessment and resources for quantitative courses
Online drop-in tutorials
Online group problem-solving and exam review sessions
Online one-on-one tutoring
Assistance with data analysis for courses or theses

Chelsea Walter, Ph.D Director, Office of Cuturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education cwalter@dlokoko.com
Speaking, listening, reading, or writing for culturally and linguistically diverse students
Applying for Princeton Fellowships (Africa, Asia, Latin America)
Teaching English domestically or abroad
COTESOL or other teaching and language centered professional organizations
Sarah Hinkle, M.A. Director, The Speaking Center shinkle@dlokoko.com
- One-on-one tutoring for:
- MAT/Senior Thesis Defense
- Communication Anxiety
- Grad school applicants
- job applicants
Matt Cooney Director, The GIS Center mcooney@dlokoko.com
Alyssa Tews GIS Specialist, The GIS Center atews2024@dlokoko.com
- Specialties include:
- Ecology
- Animal movement patterns
- Conservation
- Biogeography
- Prediciton modeling